It is important to be well informed on your investments. So often, people overlook the essential task of good financial record keeping (which includes knowing what assets you have and where these are). The most common occurrence is investing in shares and having the documentation in disarray. Many people have made mistakes which have cost them good money. No matter the value of the investment, it is YOURS and should be accounted for.
1) Some investors have not conducted a global search at CSCS to know what shares they own from direct purchase or inheritance. You can visit Central Securities Clearing System (CSCS) and request for a printout listing all the stocks you own. You can also view this online yourself if you register with the CSCS.
2) Some investors have not completed Dematerialisation of their shares –
Dematerialisation refers to the conversion of share certificates (physical paper‐form/certificates or documents of title representing ownership of securities) to an electronic form which is domiciled directly with the Central Securities Clearing system (CSCS).
3) Some investors have not fully registered their shares to receive E-Dividends –
This means they cannot receive current or past dividends.

The process for these 3 activities isn’t complicated. Investors just need to CREATE TIME to take ACTION.
Check out details under News Highlights on this website.
Visit also the SEC and CSCS websites for more information on these processes.
If you need some hand holding, reach out to me via email.